Open Burning

Registration for the open burn season for standard/residential permits is now OPEN, as a reminder the open burn season runs January 15th through May 1st.


Welcome to the open burning page for the town of Southwick, Massachusetts. Please fully read all the information below as it covers what you need to be safe and properly informed on the rules and regulations surrounding open burning as well as how to register your property for the open burning season.

Once you have read through the rules and regulations below you can proceed to the how to register section at the bottom of the page for instructions on registering your property for the burn season.

Open burning is not allowed on property that is located within a 500 ft. radius of any flammable gas distribution, flammable gas pumping stations or flammable gas control facilities. This restriction applies to all agricultural and daily open burn permits. If a parcel has property that falls both within the 500 ft radius and outside of the 500ft. radius an on-site inspection is required before a permit can be issued.

**Agricultural Burn Permits**
If you are looking for an agricultural burn permit please contact the station directly at 413-569-6363. To be clear, to receive an agricultural burn permit you MUST qualify as defined by MassDEP.

“MassDEP has stated that agriculture, for the purpose of 310 CMR 7.07, means those
practices involved with the cultivation of soil for purposes of crop production and/or the raising
of livestock when such crops are produced for commercial food stocks and such livestock is
raised for commercial food stuff or for work purposes. Agricultural operations are those that
raise commercial food stuff or livestock and consist of an area larger than one acre of land.”

Rules & Regulations

The open burning season is January 15th through May 1st, with the hours of open burning being between 10am and 4pm. Please keep in mind that weather conditions play a major role in deciding if open burning will be allowed any particular day, this is why you must contact the fire department prior to burning each day you intend to burn. The fire department also has the right to revoke open burn permission in the middle of any day due to changing weather conditions. Please read the document below for more information. A printable copy of the below document (.pdf) can be found by clicking here.

Also further information regarding open burning can be found here:


How to Register

**IMPORTANT NOTE** For both registration methods, your permit number will cover you for the entire burn season. It is important to remember that you MUST contact at 413-569-6363, notify and receive confirmation that burning is allowed that specific day from the fire department. This MUST be done each and every day you intend to burn throughout the season, PRIOR TO BURNING.**

Method #1 – Online

Visit our online registration page, simply click on the “Open Burning Registration Page” button below and fill out the short form, and that’s it! After filling out the form within a few business days you will receive an email providing your permit # and a copy of the rules and regulations seen above.

Open Burning Registration Page


Method #2 – In-Person

You can visit the main lobby of the fire department and fill out a paper copy of the permit. With this method you will have a slip of paper with your permit # along with the rules and regulations handout next to the permits.

Any further questions can be directed to the fire department at 413-569-6363.